Privacy Policy

We understand the concerns regarding privacy when purchasing wedding bands and diamond engagement rings online. Ensuring the security and protection of our customers’ personal information is our utmost priority and integral to our company’s values. We have a dedicated team of professionals overseeing our operations, placing significant emphasis on the security and privacy of customer data.

When you purchase items like gold wedding bands, platinum wedding rings, diamond engagement rings, or anniversary rings, it is vital to consider the integrity and strict policies of the company alongside the sale itself. Safeguarding your security remains our primary concern for all online consumers. To achieve this, we process all transactions utilizing a secure encrypted server to protect your personal and transactional information.

For order processing, we require your name, phone number, billing address, email address, shipping address, and credit card information. We solely utilize this information to create your account and/or process your order. In case of any queries regarding your order, we will first contact you via email and, if necessary, by phone.

At, we continuously gather online customer activity and information to enhance the online shopping experience for our customers. The collection of personal information such as your name, address, telephone number, credit card number, and email address enables us to achieve this objective. We only share necessary information with third parties involved in the order process, such as the financial institution that issued your credit card. As a company policy, we never sell or disclose customer information to any other third party under any circumstances.

We protect your information by storing it on a secure web server within a private database. Periodically, we may send email messages containing special offers, sales, and promotions to our mailing list members. However, if you wish to opt-out or unsubscribe from receiving such communications, you can do so by changing your preferences on our website or by contacting us via email at

Here’s how we gather information and use it for orders: During the ordering process, we request the following personal information on our registration form: first and last name, billing/shipping address, telephone number, email address, username, password, credit card, and credit card number. This information is necessary to process your order. Your telephone number is required for registration or order completion purposes, ensuring we can contact you if needed. Billing information is used to ensure accurate charges for the merchandise ordered.

We employ cookies as a tool to personalize your online shopping experience and enhance our efforts to provide a seamless process. Cookies are small bits of electronic information transferred to your hard drive, allowing us to remember you as a repeat customer, retrieve your order history and personal information, and provide convenience during future visits. Cookies also help us understand your browsing, shopping, and searching patterns, enabling us to customize our online shopping environment to suit your preferences. You can choose to disable cookies in your browser, but this may prevent you from placing or tracking an order. If disabled, you can always place an order by phone with our Customer Service Representatives.

Please note that the information stored in cookies is not linked to any personally identifiable information you submit on our site. Our business partners may also use cookies on our site, over which we have no control. This privacy statement solely covers the use of cookies by and does not extend to cookies used by advertisers.

We fully cooperate with law enforcement agencies investigating illegal activity related to our services. Hence, we reserve the right to disclose any and all information to lawful government bodies or officials under specific circumstances, as we deem necessary or appropriate in connection with fraud investigations or illegal activities that may expose us to legal liability.

If your personally identifiable information changes or you no longer wish to use our service, you can correct, update, delete, or deactivate it by making the necessary changes on our member information page or by contacting our Customer Support at

At, we strive to ensure the most secure and risk-free online shopping experience for our customers. We want you to trust the security of your transaction as much as you trust our products and services. To achieve this, we have implemented several programs to protect your personal information. When you make a transaction with us, we guarantee the protection of any sensitive information provided. All transactions are processed through secure socket layers (SSL) encryption at 128 bits, the industry standard for secure communication. We use this encryption during the online checkout process, including the acceptance of credit card information and account management. Additionally, offline access to your personal information is limited to staff responsible for fulfilling account-related duties, such as order fulfillment and billing. Our servers, hard drives, and file cabinets storing sensitive data are located in secure settings, safeguarded against unauthorized access.

Furthermore, every transaction with us is accompanied by fraudulent charge protection. According to federal law, you will not be liable for more than $50 of fraudulent charges. In the unlikely event that you encounter unauthorized charges resulting from shopping at, we will reimburse you up to $50, provided you were unaware of and did not consent to these charges. Overall, we aim to provide you with a safe and secure shopping experience by taking significant measures to protect your identity and security.

Please review our Terms and Conditions, as your use of this website is subject to them. By accessing and using this website, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this notice and all applicable laws. Any changes to these terms and conditions will be posted on the website. We apologize for any typographical errors or inaccuracies on the website and reserve the right to correct them without prior notice. Our content, including trademarks, graphics, logos, images, text, icons, and software, is the sole property of, and any unauthorized use or misuse is strictly prohibited. You are permitted to copy and print pages from this website for personal, non-commercial purposes related to placing an order with

We do not provide any warranties, expressed or implied, regarding the products, information, and content available on this website. The contents, including products, information, and services, are provided on an “as is” basis, with all its imperfections. Except as otherwise provided under applicable laws, neither nor its affiliates, nor their officers or employees, will be liable for any damages arising from or related to the use of this website. This limitation of liability applies to direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages that you or others may suffer, even if we have been notified in advance of such damages.

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post the updated version on our website, homepage, and other appropriate locations. We reserve the right to modify this privacy statement at any time, and we encourage you to review it frequently. In the case of material changes, we will notify you through this statement, by email, or through a notice on our homepage.

If you have any questions regarding our Terms & Conditions, please contact us via phone at 1-800-385-7242, email at, or by mail at Tech Media Solutions, ATTN: Best-Rings Support, 500 Capitol Mall Ste 2350, Sacramento CA 95814.